Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Flash Drive Problems?

I bought a unmarked flash drive to store data but when I store the information I get resembling 100 or so empty folder files and can't delete them. Any answers?

Flash Drive Problems?

Strange, greatly strange.

Maybe there is a virus or worm contained by your computer that is cause the creation of those 100 folders? Some viruses, worms, etc. nasty programs create hundreds of directories just to bother you even though they don't do much impair, but some of them could create thousands of files in amazingly short time and fill up your sturdy drive(s) fast...... So I wonder if you might enjoy your PC infected with one of those.

I hope this help.
after u take what is central , set your flash to Factory default and I suggest you will have them erased
Try formatting the flash drive first. Under My Computer, right click on the flash drive and choose Format. This should delete everything on the drive. If that doesn't work, the drive may be bleak. If you just bought it, return it for exchange.

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