Friday, September 17, 2010

Few sli question.?

Hello im looking into a alien computer and wondering wether i can sli my current geforce 6800 bfg gs oc with the (less powerful i know) geforce 7200 le the computer comes next to and how i would go roughly getting a sli link and how to set it up appreciation. (Please dont tell me pointless information aimed at ancestors new to computer hardware.)

Few sli question.?

You can merely run SLi on 2 graphics cards that are the same model.

For linking them, firstly you have need of to make sure your motherboard is SLi compatible (it have 2 PCI-E ports) and that the 2 identical graphics you are using are SLi compatible. Then to bridge them you use the interconnect (which should have come beside your motherboard but if not are straightforward to buy) and then use the switch on the motherboard to convey it you are using SLi configuration.
First of all SLI is with the sole purpose for 2 of the same "exact same" GFX cards no you cant hold a 7950 GTX and a 7950 GS second of all the merely way I can guess of to get a knit is by buying a SLI-Ready card...also SLI only works beside PCI-E Gfx cards and will need a motherboard talented of SLI and the version of Nforce "the Nvidia Chipset for motherboards" requests to be the same as the ones on your cards.

You will also involve a 500+ watt PSU "Power Supply Unit" to handle them both. Thirdly you will want a whole brand new processor such at a AMD 64 X2 4200+ "what I have" to run the below is just a side entry

Thats why I only use ATI cards, they are channel more stable "personal opinion base only on my extensive knowledge". Also you can hold a for example x1600 OC built by the Sapphire ATI modding company and have a regular x1600 from ATI itself and put them surrounded by your mobo..."Hardcore gamer" Tech level high-ranking, open to abundant ?'s at

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