Friday, September 17, 2010

External video card?

I've be talking to my friends and looking up the internet for the recent past days, because I've heard that there's such item as an external video card. In any case, does anybody know anything nearly this stuff, like are nearby really such video cards? If anybody has some links, please post them, it would be constructive. Thanks.

P.S. Does anybody know where to buy them?

External video card?

Yes at hand are External Video card! External Video card is for Video game designers. In my Computer IT class we enjoy a The NVIDIA Quadro Plex 1000, which is a external video card that we use to make games or Playing around next to the graphic engine. The come near 2 support card connect to your PCI-E slot and than connect to your External video card runs like a SLI. The External Video card starting price are 17,500. You can find it within alot of sites on the net. So far simply Nvidia have the External Video card. ATI is not Avilable yeat!

Here is the Pix one of the External Video card!
There are no external video cards. Your friends are wrong. There is a product called an external video card, but what it is exactly is newly and adapter to add another monitor to your system, usually through the USB Port.
Never hear of such. I can't imagine why anyone would want one. Video cards PCI, AGP, or on the bus are all internal and it doesn't create a lot of sense to own an external Video Card.

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